MIVA 2010 Videoart Festival, QUITO ECUADOR

MIVA 2010 Videoart Festival QUITO ECUADOR
only on VisualcontainerTV

30 September – 26 October 2010

…VisualcontainerTV is glad to host a “ best of 2010” from MIVA ALTEREGO Videoart festival (Ecuador), an International Festival in this selection focused on Videodanza based in Quito.
The selection is presented on ExhibitContainer, a format who host only International Videoart festivals and curatorial project from all over the world.


H+H+O, David Navarro, 3:47, 2010 Quito Equador

Calle da la siete cruces, Valeria Andrade, 5:00, 2010

Korpunater, Calos Dittborn, Santiago del Chile, 6:00 2009

Sequestro de un pais, Galo Teran Chico, Alterego, 3:53, 2010

Verde, Elena Merino, 5:39, 2010

Manjar, Rodrigo Viera Cruz, 6:53, 2006

Sur Carta, Laura Jiménez, 2:16, 2009

Una lagrima, Galo Teran Chico, 3:56, 2010

Grito XXI, Unanime, 4:00

Acompasadas a pedazos, David NAvarro, 5:00, Quito Equador 2009

Frame, Carla Barragan, Seattle, USA 6:58, 2008

The Box, Jeffrey Braverman, San Francisco, USA, 2005

De Medio, VAleria Andrade, 2010

Les Désarrois, Yamine Elrhorba, 2008

Apariccion 1, Vigorexia Quito Equador 2009

Miel Hiel, Wilmer Pozo, 2009

Ciudadano, Galo Teran Chico, Alterego, 2009

Cartografia de pies a cabeza, Vanessa Padilla, 2007

About the MIVA Alterego Festival :
MIVA Festival is an international videoart festival dedicated to promote Dance and VideoDance in Equador. In the last edition on August 2010, a lot of important contemporary dance companies were invited to take part to the festival in Quito, too. The special selection of Miva is hosted in
Europe to Loop Festival.

The festival organization is under the care of ALTEREGO, an important art collective based in Quito.
Director: Galo Teran Chico