Film[S]cend Experimental film from Argentina


Heaving upward on a swell of bits

Experimental films from Argentina
curated by Laura Focarazzo
only on VisualcontainerTV

From 9 April to  19 May 2015

Immersed in a sea of faint images under the imposition of a time that contracts, in a world that seems to have shown us everything, this selection of works is presented as a breath of resistance.
Argentinian filmmakers who work their creations by exploring formats and inquiring into the crossroads.
They shoot from the subtraction of the images which, due to multiplicity, are almost impossible to see.
Experimentation that takes place at the time of shooting of the images as much as during developing, and then by intervening directly on the film, or the projection.
They dare to explore from the intimacy of those who are looking far away from the center.
By Laura Focarazzo

Artists: Julio Fermepin, Leonardo Zito, Luján Montes, Benjamín Ellenberger, Melisa Aller, Ernesto Baca

Experimental Films:

Hornaditas (19:02) by Julio Fermepin
8mm, Color, Sound.

Antes del derrumbe (02:29) by Leonardo Zito

2012. 35mm. VHS, Sound.

Litoral (07:36) by Luján Montes
2014, 8mm, Color, Sound.

Perforación (03:48) by Benjamín Ellenberger

Constitución (03:40) by Melisa Aller
2013, Documentary film – experimental, Sound.
Super 8 mm Edited in camera – Single shot
B&W- Tri X Kodak – Reversible 7266 (film expired)

Impregnar (08:20) by Ernesto Baca
2014. 16mm, Color, Sound.

Laura Focarazzo is a video artist and independent curator based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her works include experimental films and videos as well as curatorial works. She has participated in exhibitions and international film festivals around the world. She is a member of the international audio/visual group: Exquisite, What? based in Italy.