Ana Beirut #4 Bachir Asmar, 5:46, 2021

In 2020, the August 4th explosion almost Killed Bachir, and here he bears witness to his own wounds.


“A never-ending walk in the streets of Beirut is consumed by the post-traumatic session with my therapist. This episode will take you on an intimate journey inside the creator’s broken flesh and heart.”

الحلقة الرابعة: بشیر أسمر مشوار طویل في شوارع بیروت تستغرقھ جلسة ما بعد الصدمة مع اختصاصي العلاج. سوف تأخذك ھذه الحلقة في رحلة حمیمة داخل جسم المبدع وقلبھ المكسور.


“Ana Beirut” is a series of experimental poetic portraits created by 9 Lebanese audiovisual artists exploring themselves and the city they live in: Beirut “Ana Beirut” is a series conceived & produced by Home of Cine-Jam within an intuitive film lab program conducted by Muriel Aboulrouss. Each artist is invited to create an episode of the series.