30th Instants Vidéo Numériques et Poétiques Festival Marseille

30th Instants Vidéo Numériques et Poétiques
International Videoart Festival, Marseille France
Curated by: Marc Mercier
10.11 – 11.12.2017
only on VisualcontainerTV


« Our desires are disorders »
30 years that our desires are disorders
30 years that we break through cultural, social and economic barriers
30 years that together with the artists, we draw escape plans
30 years that we forge networks of international poetic and political complicities


Artists:Valérian Mazataud (Canada) / Megan-Leigh Heilig (Afrique du Sud)/ Amjad Kawish (Irak / Pays-Bas)/ Shubhangi Singh (Inde / Australie)/ Susanne Wawra (Allemagne / Irlande)/ emilia izquierdo (Chili / GB)/ Ж (Brésil)/ Guillaume Vallée (Canada)/Lux Eterna (Palestine / Australie)/ Secret Sauna Sirens (Finlande / USA)


We are celebrating therefore in 2017, 30 years of poelitic intercontinental video agitations in 30 events without borders (Tunisia, Morocco, Palestine, Kyrgyzstan, Egypt, Argentina, Italy, France…) and in a completely undisciplined way (art spaces, social spaces…)…
Together with our partners, we are building enlightening spaces of resistance to human, mercantile, warlike, xenophobic… stupidity. Video art is savoir + savours. Indeed, the world “savoir” in french comes from the latin world sapere: (to dare) to know or to savour. In other words, what has no savour can’t be a knowledge, it is junk food, reader’s digest content, or any other insipid ready-made thinking that turn our brain into big fat bellies.

By the fall, we reached Marseille, our launchpad and home base. A month of November spiced up with exhibitions of video installations, screenings, performances, round tables, concerts, spread in 11 spots: FRAC (Regional collection of contemporary art), Gallery Deux, SARA (working with persons in exile), ADPEI (Social economy), Cinema Les Variétés, Friche la Belle de Mai, La Fosse (Artists atelier), ARI (working at the integration of mentally handicapped persons), Italian Cultural Institute, Canopé (Library resource centre for teachers) and Vidéodrome 2 (Alternative cinema). The “official” opening (to new possibles) will take place on November 10, at the cinema Les Variétés, which name is so relevant in expressing the flavour of the hybrid world we demand.
On your way, you will surely meet our guest from Libya who, together with our partners from the REF (French Euromed Network) and La Ligue de l’Enseignement share an issue of very great concern: how to have our cultural and poetic rights enforced regardless of our social, mental or physical living conditions?

Warm greetings to the social activists, to all our welcoming partners, to all the artists who again this year offered their art works without any salary (because of ever growing funding shortage) for providing to the public a cultural service that must resist the commodification of art and bodies. And indeed, all the entrance to the festival are free of charge.
Long live to the International of wounded and happy, singing and multicoloured seagulls, whose wingbeats will blow out the 30 candles of the festival, critically digital and madly poetical.
Marc Mercier
(Translation Naïk M’Sili)


Video Selection:

La fin de la terre (7′ – 2017) / Valérian Mazataud (Canada)
A Cautionary Tale (The Spider and The Fly) (3’15 – 2017) / Megan-Leigh Heilig (Afrique du Sud)
Missing my Home (5’18 – 2016) / Amjad Kawish (Irak / Pays-Bas)
Dawn To Dust (5’03 – 2016) / Shubhangi Singh (Inde / Australie)
Share Peace (0’30 – 2017) / Susanne Wawra (Allemagne / Irlande)
Eclipse (4’58 – 2017) / emilia izquierdo (Chili / GB)
7FF on¢idia (8’12 – 2016) / Ж (Brésil)
Le bulbe tragique (6’05 – 2016) / Guillaume Vallée (Canada)
Aura Nox Anima (7’48 – 2016) / Lux Eterna (Palestine / Australie)
Oh, You Sweet, Feminine, Feminist Artist (12’36 – 2017) / Secret Sauna Sirens (Finlande / USA)


Les Instants Vidéo Numériques et poétiques is a non-profit art organisation (association law 1901) that inherited from the international Festival Les Instants Vidéo founded in 1988 in Manosque (Department of Alpes de Haute Provence). Based in Marseille (since 2004), the association spread out all year long, here and there, a choice of international art works representative of the large diversity of video and digital writings: screenings, exhibition of installations, performances… which show the trans-disciplinarity of video art, since its invention (dance, music, poetry…).
Driven by a deep concern for new languages, new poetical audacities, we care about history (where does video art comes from? Where is video art today? Where is video art going?) and at the same time about the evolution of technologies.
We try to imagine different ways of presenting the works, mingling cultures (“high brow” and “popular”, contemporaries and traditionals…).
We go meeting the publics and the artists who we like to name the electronic poets.
