from the 24th of July to the 24th of September 2019
VisualcontainerTV for the summertime presents the third edition of Bad Videoart Festival from Moscow. A selection of 2 hours focused on B-Videoart, as an unusual intersection of bad art, bad painting and bad cinema (B-movies, cult, camp, trash).
I Part (60’40″)
Between Bad Cinema & Bad Video
Megan Arnold (Canada) “Fairyhunter”, 2018, 02:51
Pavlina Braco (Bosnia and Herzegovina) “Petkutin and Kalina”, 2018, 01:28
Emiliano Caballero (Mexico) “A Day So Dark, So Warm”, 2015, 04:18
Craxi Driver (Italy) “Il Gelato”, 2015, 04:28
Allister Gall (UK) “Eyeball”, 2013, 04:02
Hi, Wiseau!
Ali Eren Çelebi (Turkey) “Bullfrog”, 2018, 04:15
Darren Harkin (Ireland) “Mister Darkness”, 2015, 04:04
From Outer Space
Sabine Janz (Germany) “Attack”, 2009, 02:42
Art About Art
L&M (Switzerland) “Déjeuner sur l’herbe”, 2014, 02:08
Let’s Dance
Jay Rechsteiner (Switzerland/UK) “It’s Just Nice to Be Exhibited”, 2017, 03:52
Alexa Turnbull (USA) “The Metamorphosis of Body to Object”, 2017, 02:41
Unknown Rites
Nathaniel Hendrickson & Erik Pedersen(USA) “Enter Work Force”, 2018, 03:32
KholifMundzir (Indonesia) “Black Lotus”, 2016, 01:05
LauraYuile (UK) “Clean Cappuccino”, 2017, 02:22
Walking Around Sara Bianchi (Italy) “Spaces of Flow”, 2018, 03:01
Jamie Phillip Langlois (Canada) “White in Black”, 2018, 01:16
Luīze Nežberte (Latvia/Austria) “Maximum Input Minimum Result”, 2015, 01:55
KatyaSolodina (Russia) Untitled, 2018, 02:07
Body & Spirit Stella Meris (Switzerland/Germany) “Believe Me”, 2017, 3:32
Julian Pedraza (Colombia/Spain) “You Foolish Men!”, 2018, 00:51
II Part (62’)
Methas Chantawongs (Thailand) “Null Project”, 2018, 04:12
Polina Kovalova (Ukraine) “He Lived in a Pancake”, 2017, 02:15
Hans Kristian (Indonesia) “Men Against God”, 2017, 02:04
Research Dai Coelacanth (UK) “Nightmares are Reckless Reptiles”, 01:45
Olya Gerner (Russia/Germany) “Observation Post”, 2017, 02:46
Gregory Gutenko (USA) “Orientation Video”, 2014, 1:00
Klaudia Pisarek, Aleksandra Rajnisz-Podlska, Michał Podlaski (Poland) “Zazdrość”, 2017, 02:59
Sebastian Schönfeld (Germany) “Plot V – Eat”, 2018, 02:09
Shawn Wickens (USA) “Let Me Be Wrong”, 2018, 02:21
Selfie Time Josef Khallouf (Lebanon) “In the Beginning… There was the Monkey”, 2011, 01:30
Glave Lucien (Switzerland/Belgium) “Dentrain”, 2018, 01:31
Bad TV
Ivy Welsh (USA) “WeeWorld”, 2018, 03:04
Message Nishat Hossain (USA) “This Machine Destroys Everything”, 2018, 01:49
ErikaOrdos (Venezuela/USA) “Decent-er”, 2011, 01:21
Cleyton Xavier (Brazil) “Special Friend”, 2016, 02:15
Really Bad Video Sui-Hin Mak (Hong Kong) “Tofu”, 2018, 01:30
BobyPrabowo (Indonesia) “Sagacious Aspirin in Proclamation”, 2018, 01:15
Sid and Geri (USA & Taiwan) “It’s Love”, 2018, 01:18
Lee Terwilliger (USA) “Strangers in Familiar Places”, 2018, 03:55
Recipe for Success
John Tittle (USA)”Georgio’s Pizza”, 02:11
About Bad Videoart Festival
Curators of the Bad Video Art Festival, Natalia Monakhova and Andrey Slaschilin, propose to study extreme forms of video art. According to the curators, videos shown at the festival are at the intersection of bad art, bad painting and bad cinema (B-movies, cult, camp, trash) but still have not been introduced as an independent category for profound studying. As the issues of quality and boundaries of art are of topical interest, it is necessary to single out certain video art works as bad videos or “B-videos”. For the first time ever the conception of B-video will be presented to the public in the gallery in order to initiate a discussion and further studies.